We understand that surgery is a stressful time for any pet parent, but at Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital, we work hard to make our surgery suite a worry-free zone. How do we do that?
Before any procedure, your veterinarian will perform a physical exam on the patient. However, because there is always the possibility that a physical exam alone may not identify all health problems, we require pre-anesthetic blood tests be performed within 30 days of the procedure. We will use the information obtained from these tests to tailor an anesthetic protocol, especially for your pet so that he/she will be safe and comfortable during the surgical procedure.
Some of our hospital’s surgical procedures include:
- Caesarean section
- Cherry eye surgery (third eyelid)
- Cystotomy
- Dog and cat neuter (castration)
- Dog and cat spay (ovariohysterectomy)
- Ear hematoma repair
- Exploratory abdominal surgery
- Foreign body removal
- Gastrointestinal
- Hernia repair
- Orthopedic & soft tissue
- Splenectomy
- Wound repair
If you’re considering surgery for your pet, call (908) 464-0023 to schedule a consultation with us today!