

Customer Service Representative

Elisa was born and raised in the Hartford, CT area and moved to NJ in 1993 to start a life with her now husband. Growing up she had Brittanys, gerbils, guppies and goldfish. She dreamed of being a veterinarian but college level biology had a different plan for her. She graduated from the College of the Holy Cross with a BA in English and began her customer service career with AT & T residential long distance. She worked her way up to Project Manager before leaving to raise her three children with her husband. While raising her kids, they also had a lizard, hamster, fish and rescued 5 dogs and 2 guinea pigs along their journey. Prior to joining the Berkeley Heights Animal Hospital Client Service’s team, she worked as a grooming assistant and Farm Aid at Turtle Back Zoo and gave countless volunteer hours to her church and children’s schools. Elisa has always loved all animals but dogs have won her heart. When not answering the phone at work, she enjoys time with her family, her dog, Boomer, the beach and a good book.